Well, I cracked open my book journal this morning. It's such a fun trip to go through everything I've read over the year. I forget how long a year really is. ...Though, I didn't need to see that I haven't read a thing since June... Looks like I'll have to read twice as much this year!
For your viewing pleasure, everything I've read in 2012! Happy New Year!
Loups-Garous (ルー=ガルー 忌避すべき狼/Loup-Garou Kihisubeki Ōkami) Natsuhiko Kyogoku
A Christmas gift from my dad!
Scott Pilgrim (Series) Bryan Lee O'Malley
Castle in the Air Diana Wynne Jones
The Cricket in Times Square George Selden
House of Many Ways Diana Wynn Jones
Loveless vol. 1 - 8 Yun Kouga
The only volumes translated. :(
Wild Magic Tamora Pierce
Wolf-Speaker Tamora Pierce
Emperor Mage Tamora Pierce
The Realms of the Gods Tamora Pierce
A Clockwork Orange Anthony Burgess
Reread; Original 21 Chapters