A Very Merry...

Today is a very special day for two very special people in my life. For everyone, of course, it's MLK Jr. Day, but it is also Syl and Seike's birthdays!

Syl is one of my very best friends in the whole world and she is twenty-three years old today. (When did we get so old?!) She is also very far away from us. In October, Syl took a chance and moved herself down to Texas to stay with her uncle. I am beyond proud of her, she is so much braver than I am, but I miss her like you wouldn't believe. If it was up to me I would be on a plane right now to party it up with her on Sixth Street and then bring her back home with me. Dir en grey or not :P Money and distance is a problem though and I'm going to have to miss her a little longer. I know things are hard for her but I know she's strong and I know there's nothing that can take her down. If we can stop Orcus I know we can handle anything!

Syl, I love you so much and I hope that despite it all you have a perfect birthday. And if you don't, the next time I see you birthday 2.0 will be the best! Your present from Michi and I is on it's way. I hope you love it, honey~<3

Also! Everyone check out Syl's blog: Dum Spiro Spero for amazing fashion and makeup reviews, great writing, and her beautiful self.


It is also Seike of the upcoming Swedish Visual band Seremedy's 21st birthday today! Michi organized a birthday video as she tries to for the band's birthdays including fans from around the world. The band is going to be big, and even better, they're really, really great guys.

So check them out too! Seremedy

It won't let me put the video up for some reason so here's a link to it. Haha. Hopefully we'll get even more participants for the next birthday! Click

♥ Amanda Leigh

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