"I tell all my friends about our family during snow days. We all revert back to children. We play games and laugh and sometimes mom plays Twister. We all get like.. happier and funner."
- My little brother Cameron on my family and snow days.
We got our first real snow of the year today! And somehow my whole family was in the house when it happened. Michi and I woke up this morning and apparently the both of us saw the snow through the shades and went back to sleep. When we woke up again I accidentally pulled the shades off the wall to show the baby kitty and the whole outside was covered in about four inches. I really hate living so far outside of town and dream of the day I can finally have my own place again, but when things like this happen I remember just how gorgeous it is out here.
Michi and I both had the day off, Cameron's school was canceled, Kris (my older brother) is always here, and Mom, Dad, and my Aunt Robin couldn't make it to work. That's everyone! It has been, put simply, a really good day.

How gorgeous is that?
That would be my driveway. It is very, very long. Yeah. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.
My little brother decided that he wanted to go outside with no shoes on. Like he does every time it snows. It progressed from there until he decided he needed to do a belly flop on the deck. I really wanted a picture of the undisturbed snow but... I couldn't pass it up.
Sorry I tilted the camera!! I didn't even think about it. That's my voice in the background :P
Ahh, he makes my life.
His bodyprint. XD
He trounced around barefoot for a while, so Michi offered him a dollar to sit in this chair.
A good dollar spent. XD
He sat for about two seconds and came back inside.
The puppies enjoyed the snow too!
It's a shame I couldn't get a picture of Kibbles galloping.
The snow was deeper than Kuma XD
So he leapt!
Shyanne we couldn't find after she went outside. We decided it's because she was camoflauged!
It was all fun and good but Michi and I decided it was time for an expedition. Plus, the power went out and it was cold anyways. So we went on a journey to check on the outside world.
We geared up.
Michi and her bear hat.
No makeup for Manda. *pout* Snowy weather makes my face to dry and it just doesn't handle it. Oh well. I'm always bound to get white-washed anywway.
And we headed out!
Goodbye loving family. XP
The treck down the driveway was trouble enough. Somehow there seemed to be a few more inches all the way down than there had been in the yard. Plus it was a untraveled.
Somehow I ended up blazing the trail.
We made it up to the road after only a couple of snowballs and near falls. It was fairly deserted and covered in snow and ice but we had decided we were walking to the Tyee. The little grocery about a mile from my house. Actually this was when Michi informed me that we were going to the Tyee. I just sort of... put on snow clothes and followed her out the door. She let me in on the plan later. ^^;;
We were not so stealthily followed by a small pack of monkeys. We pretended not to notice.
Then out of nowhere there was a million cars! Not all at once but one right after the other! And no one driving slow at all!
Catching snowflakes. ^^
We passed another party on the road. Potentially dangerous but we kept our distances and continued on our way.
And then after what felt like a million years we made it! We weren't even too cold, just tired from the difficult walk. Of course the store wasn't open but we hadn't brought any money anyway. This was, after all, just a scouting mission.
We made our way home.
And spied a cow train!
Michi stopped to say hi and the cows came over to converse.
They spoke for a while and eventually allowed us to travel with them in their herd. They walked us to the end of their feild.
Then we were on our own again, walking down the road and laughing and having a good time. Until we heard something in the bushes behind us. Well, Michi heard and made me stop. We had lost track of the monkeys and somehow they had circled around behind us for an ambush.
But no worries. They hesitated and I flipped Cameron into the snow. A few times.
I never expected the treachery to be in my own group.
Mrr, snowball to face.
But in the end we followed the blue sky home.
And checked the mail. :P
Finally back inside and in dry clothes we had our obligitory hot chocolate.
Michi's with whipped cream, marshmallows, cinnamon, and banana flavoured rum. Mine with... lots and lots of marshmallows. Haha.
The rest of the day was spent warm and dry (the power having come back on before we got back). We watched Guys and Dolls, I made dinner (tatertot casserole with biscuits corn and peas :P), and finished up the night with a loud game of Phase 10 and... daiquiris sort of. Mom, Dad, and Michi played with me and Michi made us daiquiris with strawberry daiquiri mix, sweet tea vodka (my strawberry vodka got lost somewhere ><) and... snow instead of ice. It was kind of awesome.
Overall? Just relaxing and fun and exactly what I needed.
Happy snow day.
♥ Amanda Leigh